Smart Sensor: Robot vacuum cleaner will automatically avoid obstacles as it cleans. 360-degree motion prevents the unit from getting stuck and ensures a wide area is covered.
Strong Suction: 1800pa suction effectively picks up dust, pet hair and crumbs. The 3-in-1 robot vacuum cleaner is perfect for use on any hard flooring in the house. Suitable for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom.
Working time, about 90 minutes
Charging time: about 3 hours
USB charging, charging method:
Weight: 580g
Packed weight:700g product
Size:230 * 230 * 50mm
Floor sweeping and suction, 3 in 1
Package Content:
1 × Robot Vacuum Cleaner
1 × Charging Cable
C***s –
I get the order all right, just wait for q to work.
M***o –
So happy with this product. Picks up pet hair, Which is the main purpose why i bought it. Highly recommended!!! Sound while in use is tolerable. Also serves as a toy for my cat as he chases it while it is in use. With the current situation, delivery time is understandable.Thunbs up to the seller
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R***a –
Arrived in expected time.